Our focus is to support your Vision of Health with a Holistic and pro-active approach.

We understand that you as individuals, couples, and families want to live your life to the fullest while feeling better, staying well, and living longer. Everything we offer here is designed to help you achieve those worthwhile goals.

The store features Canadian brand health products from companies like Naka, Sisu, Natural Factors, Sun Force/RespirActin, Can- Prev, Renew, Nu-life, Flora, Maca XP and Omega Alpha. Our Karooch essential oils are from Alypsis in Peterborough, as are the Bach flower remedies. Natural skin care product lines are available, including our 100% organic Skin Essence face line.

Terrens has new age decks and cards and one of the largest selections of gemstones and crystals in the Durham area. Don’t forget, we have a beautiful line of gemstone jewellery, including local Artisans from Bethany, ON.

Come in to the store. We will be happy to show you around.

Contact: Karen Lowery

Phone: (905) 983-5000

Website: https://terrenswellnesscentre.ca/

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